• FR
  • ‘Life Journey’ Improvement

    I just made a new friend online: Bizarre Magician Joe Lantiere, from Connecticut, USA. Joe was kind enough to suggest an improvement to Life Journey, my one Bizarre effect, and graciously gave me permission to share it.

    Joe suggests hand-drawing the three Tarot cards on a sheet of parchment and keeping it in an old and fairly flat wooden box. This replaces the photocopy and envelope originally described.

    Joe’s improvement not only adds an extra touch of drama, it also makes the handling easier. Because the box would be kept in a bag or case, and thus out of sight, it’s easier to maneuver the load into the proper position for the subsequent drop than with the original envelope in the jacket pocket.

    My thanks to Joe Lantiere for his generosity — and to Kurt M. Larson for introducing us!





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